In this practice, we will be connecting ideas and thoughts with bodily sensations. I’ll walk you through all of it. Follow along and do what works for you.
What I would love for you to do is to sit with your feet on the floor. So, if you can have your feet on the ground, that will help with the intention of this meditation, which is to really connect with the earth.
For this meditation, we're going to breathe in through the nose, and we're going to breathe out through the nose, which we normally don't do. But this is the intention is to increase the energy and to build this sense of inner world. When we breathe out through the mouth, the intention is to let go and surrender it all and allow liberation. But when we breathe out through the nose, we're saying, we're going to build here, so it's different.
I'm going to guide you, we're going to do each of the chakras, but we're going to talk about a quality in the chakras—there's one specific quality I want us to connect with.
I'm going to guide you at breathing in: you say something to yourself, and then breathing out, you say something to yourself, and we'll do it three times per chakra.
And then, as you breathe in, it's always: "I am supported and I am safe." It's not intellectual, saying that. See if you can really bring a sense of "I am supported and I'm safe" in that area of your body. That's the breathing in, and then the breathing out will be different, because of the different intentions at each of the energetic levels.
And then after that, we'll do one more thing of increasing the luminosity and see what happens.
1. Make yourself comfortable. When you're ready, you can close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath, breathing in through the nose and out through the nose. See if you can elongate your exhalation and you can constrict your throat at the exhalation, but it's a little higher up in the mouth to make the sound. A little constriction sound also massages the vagus nerve and it helps elongate your exhalation, which is really good when you're building intention, building energy within.
With each exhalation, really allow your shoulders to soften and relax. Your belly is really soft. You're not holding anything in, and maybe even your back is resting on the back of your couch or your chair, so you're not holding yourself up in a way that's uncomfortable.
2. Now visualize your core opening up like a hollow cylinder and imagine the feather at the top at your own time just allow the feather to go down the core all the way to the base of the spine. Take your time, perhaps each breath allows the feather to go down more and more, deeper into the body.
Your attention sinks into your core, and you notice that as you go down further, it gets calmer. As you go deeper into your core, into your being, it gets more still and more peaceful.
And then the feather finds a resting spot at the base of the spine. Take a few deep, deep breaths at the base of the spine.
3. We're going to begin with our attention on the first chakra. As we breathe in and we say "I am supported and safe," I want you to feel your connection to the ground. Let's just practice that now. So we feel the sensation of the ground on our feet so that we know that we are connected to Mother Earth.
And then we go a little further with that connection. We also visualize and imagine her light coming from the core and going up our feet. So not only is there a connection but there's a feeding and nurturing. She sends her love upward through your feet. However you visualize that, however you feel that.
So every time we say, as we breathe in, "I'm supported, and I am safe," I want you to visualize and see if you can sense her light, her love, coming up through your feet.
So I'm going to do it three times in the Root Chakra. As we breathe in, "I am supported and safe." As we breathe out, "It is safe to be here."
Repeat two mores times: Breathing in, "I am supported and safe.” Breathing out, "It is safe to be here."
And just allow that knowing, that energy, to swirl around your Root Chakra. You're safe to be here.
4. Now, we're going to move up to the second chakra. Bring your attention to the belly. You remember as we breathe in, feeling her energy coming up all the way into the second chakra. And as we breathe out, sensing the intention for that chakra.
Repeat x 3: Breathing in, "I am supported and safe." Breathing out, "It is safe to belong."
And let that knowing swirl around your belly: "It is safe to belong."
5. Next, I'm bringing your attention to your solar plexus. You breathe in, "I am safe and supported." As you breathe out, "It is safe to take action."
Repeat two more times: Breathing in, "I am supported and safe." Breathing out, "It is safe to take action."
Allowing the energy and the love and the support to swirl around your solar plexus. Notice and observe how it feels to know that it is safe to take action.
6. Bring your attention to your Heart Chakra at the center of your chest. And again remember as you're breathing, breathe in, "I am supported and safe," energy coming through your feet. If it's difficult to visualize or to feel, just feel the connection of your feet with the ground. Feel sensations in the toes, in the ball of your feet.
As you breathe in, "I am supported and safe," and as you breathe out, "It is safe to be sensitive."
Repeat two more times: "I am supported and safe," breathing in. Breathing out, "It is safe to be sensitive."
See how your animal suit responds to that, how your body receives that in the center of your chest: "It is safe to be sensitive, 100%"
7. I'm bringing attention to your throat. Breathing in, "I am supported and safe." "It is safe to speak my truth."
Repeat two more times: Breathing in, "I am supported and safe." Breathing out, "It is safe to speak my truth."
See how it feels to know safety. Combined with the sound of truth in your body.
8. And now, bring your attention to your third eye between your eyebrows and into your midbrain. First, let's see if you can sense the center of your brain.
As you breathe in, you're going to allow that beautiful light and love and nurturing from the earth to go all the way into that center. So breathing in, "I am supported and safe." Breathing out, "It is safe to know."
Repeat two more times: Breathing in, "I am supported and safe." Breathing out, "It is safe to know."
Notice how it feels to have safety combined with knowing. 100% safety around knowing what is true.
9. Finally, bring your attention to the top of your head, the soft spot on a baby's head, your Crown Chakra, it's a little above the neocortex. See if you can sense that connection with the Divine Mother from the top.
As I'm breathing, "I am supported and safe." "It is safe to surrender to the wise universe."
Repeat two more times: Breathing in, "I am supported and safe." Breathing out, "It is safe to surrender to the wise universe."
And right from here, connect with the Divine Mother from the top allow, her beautiful light to pour down your core, fill you up, and it goes all the way down through your feet and into the earth. So visualize and see if you can sense this movement of light and love from the Divine Mother filling your entire body up, going all the way down through your feet through that connection with the ground and into the earth.
And then at the same time visualize counter-movement from the light coming from Mother Earth, from the core, coming up through your feet, through your core, alongside but in a counter-movement to the other light, and going out your Crown Chakra. See if you can visualize this movement of light. See if you can sense this movement of light through you.
This light has a quality of wholeness. See if you can feel, sense wholeness.
This light has a quality of joy. See if you can feel and sense joy.
This light has a quality of harmony. See if you can sense harmony.
This light the quality of boundlessness. See if you can sense boundlessness
And if it hasn't already, allow the light to pass the boundaries of your core so it fills you up completely, goes all the way to the edge of your skin, so now your inner world is flooded with this light.
And that the skin is this connection to your aura, to the outer world, to your interconnection with everything outside as well. So allow that light to pass the barrier of your body, and expand just a little bit around you, so it fills up your aura as well.
Now just like we've done in the theater of the mind where we fill up people with love, this is how what's happening to you so you're allowing a beautiful light to fill you up so completely, it passes the limits of your skin and they almost disappear in this aura of light.
And right here in this awareness around ourselves, in this space around ourselves, we can repeat, "I am supported and safe, and it is safe for me to meet all of this. I am supported and safe. It is safe for me to meet all of this. I'm supported and safe. It is safe for me to meet all of this
You can take your time. You can stay with this awareness as long as you'd like. But when you're ready, you can slowly come back into the room, and open your eyes.