This blog post was first published on Mar 14, 2020.
Are you looking for ways to maintain emotional and spiritual stability amidst the overwhelming anxiety surrounding you?
It's not easy, but maintaining inner balance is what counts most right now.
All the emotional healing and spiritual work you've done in the past has led you to this moment, where you can decide which path to follow. This choice is an ongoing one, made moment by moment. Will you choose to stay within yourself, dealing with the whirlwind of emotions, or will you let yourself be swept away by the collective anxiety, distancing yourself from your inner wisdom and security?
These uncertain times call for a focus on the present moment more than ever because here and now is where you'll find stability.
Here are five questions to help you assess your energy, gain clarity about the present moment, and achieve inner balance. For each question, close your eyes and go within.
Feel the question:
In this moment, what is the quality of your connection with your impersonal source, the still and quiet ground within?
In this moment, how is your personal self? What is the truth of your subjective experience?
You can journal the answers in an automatic writing style, or you can chat about it with someone with whom you feel safe and open to exploring the authenticity of this moment.
Remember, it's easy to stay aligned when things are going well and the future is clear. It's much more challenging amid collective uncertainty, like right now. Your friends, family, and children look to you for guidance in navigating these unprecedented times.
Many of you have experienced the depths of fear and the unknown, emerging time and time again, renewed, strong, and clear. You have never lost yourself, and it will be the same in this situation. Others will be reassured by your trust, clarity, and groundedness because you have demonstrated that it is possible to rise above intense challenges.
There is a simplicity in how to be right now. Be the foundation and support for yourself and those around you. Let your inner teacher rise to the occasion, modeling (with minimal words or actions) what it looks like and feels like to be centered, stable, yet flexible and open.
In divine love, always,
anne xo