Guided Meditation: Connect with Your Younger Self

Take 15 minutes and join me in this guided meditation, where we connect with different versions of ourselves at various stages of life. This practice encourages self-compassion and kindness as we gently explore our inner world.

I’ve always found that when we take the time to listen to the younger parts of ourselves, we discover profound wisdom and healing. In this session, we’ll meet our 15-year-old, 9-year-old, and 3-year-old selves, and with love, we’ll embrace their stories and experiences. We'll also connect to our core essence—the true self that existed before we arrived in this world.

Allow yourself to feel deeply, to trust the process, and to honour what comes up. The light and love that flow through this meditation will remind you that you are supported, understood, and held in the highest regard by the universe.

Take your time, and when you’re ready, come back and reflect on any insights or revelations that emerge. I can’t wait for you to experience this journey with me.

Remember, when we ask, the universe responds in alignment with our soul's deepest intentions. All you need to do is listen and receive. 💞

Full instructions

Before we do the meditation, I want to remind you to be really gentle with yourself, really kind with yourself, because this is a five-day process, and right now we’re going down. We’re going into the muck. We’re going into it because it’s where the gold is. So drink a lot of water, rest, nap, go for walks, ask for time to be by yourself, or ask for someone to listen to you and say, "I don’t need you to fix my problems. I just want to hear myself out loud and be witnessed." It makes a really big difference. And I’m walking right alongside you.

In this meditation, we’re going to meet different versions of ourselves as children, and it will take about 15 minutes. The idea isn’t about understanding or finding answers—what’s more important is that you feel at the body level, the experience of being with those younger versions of yourself.

So let’s make sure everyone is muted. Make yourself comfortable, and when you’re ready, close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Deepen and slow your breath down, giving yourself this full 15 minutes to be here. Be here now with the intention of discovering something new about yourself that you didn’t know before—something that will open up new possibilities, doors, perceptions, and pathways within yourself. Hold the intention: “I am ready to discover something new.”

As you continue to breathe deeply, I invite you to imagine a door in front of you. When you open the door, you enter a theatre. It might be a theatre you’ve been to before, or it could be completely from your imagination. It’s beautiful, comfortable, and feels safe. Look around—notice the seats, the stage, the curtains, and decorations. When you’re ready, find your seat. There’s no one else there, just you, and there’s a seat for you in the middle. Take your time, and when you arrive at your spot, have a seat. Feel the comfortable chair beneath you. Maybe there are armrests, and your arms are resting comfortably. You can see the stage well. It’s well-lit, and you’re far enough that it feels safe but close enough to see everything clearly. Breathe deeply and really sink into yourself.

For the first part of this meditation, we’re going to invite the 15-year-old version of yourself onto the stage. Visualize them coming up the stairs, walking to the centre of the stage, and turning to look at you. Notice what they’re wearing, their demeanor, their hair. Look into their eyes, and notice how it feels to connect with this version of yourself. How did it feel to be in their body at that age? Can you sense it in your own body now? Bring your attention to any sensations you’re experiencing in your body and breathe into that space. Every memory and thought has roots in the body’s tissue, so try to connect with the direct experience, kinesthetically, and breathe deeply into it.

Now, imagine a beautiful white light pouring into you from the top of your head, filling your core. At your heart space, visualize a cord connecting your heart to the heart of your 15-year-old self on the stage. This light flows from you to them, filling them with love and compassion. Keep visualizing this light until it fills them up completely, and they disappear into it.

Return your awareness to your body, sitting in your seat, and prepare to invite the 8 or 9-year-old version of yourself onto the stage. Visualize them coming up—maybe they’re skipping, maybe running. Notice their clothes, their demeanor, their hair. They come to the centre of the stage and look into your eyes. How does it feel to connect with this version of yourself? Can you sense the experience of being in their body in your own body now? Bring your breath and attention to any sensations, expanding into that space.

Let them know how much you love them by visualizing the same white light pouring down through you and flowing from your heart to theirs. Fill them completely with love and light.

Now, return to your seat, and invite the 3 or 4-year-old version of yourself onto the stage. Notice how they walk, what they’re wearing, and their demeanour. When they come to the centre of the stage, they turn to look at you. Breathe deeply and observe how it feels to connect with this younger version of yourself. Bring your breath and attention to any sensations in your body that relate to their experience at that age.

Ask this version of yourself: “What would you like to tell me?” and listen carefully. “What do I need to know about who I am?” and listen again. Visualize the light filling them completely, pouring from the top of their head and through their heart to you, filling you up.

Thank them and let them go. Finally, invite your core essence onto the stage—the version of yourself before incarnation. Visualize how your core essence shows up, and ask: “What do I need to know to realize all of me now?” Let the light from your core essence fill you completely.

When you’re ready, make your way out of the theatre and back through the door. You return to your current space, wiggling your fingers and toes. Slowly bring life back into your body, and when you’re ready, open your eyes. Take a moment to write down anything important that came up for you.

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