This morning when I woke up, I was thinking of the phoenix rising from the ashes, and it reminded me that loss has always brought us back to life. Always. This cycle has never failed us, even in human death. The soul continues its journey, expanding beyond the boundaries of this world. This constant renewal, rebirth, re-emerging from what has died, is the collective truth of our nature as spiritual beings here in human bodies. And right now, there is a brand new experience of reality, waiting for us on the other side of everything that is dying within and around us. How wondrous!
Contemplating our current situation, whatever it may be, not from a place of ego or achievement or results, but with a soft inquiry within our heart, is an excellent practice to help us lean into what is dying to emerge anew. It helps us get unstuck and brings momentum to our process, it brings clarity to what feels confusing.
You can ask: How is the landscape outside of me, the reality out there reflected within me? How is this situation inviting me to go deeper into myself and see something I couldn't see before, sense something I might have been too busy or focused elsewhere to sense before? What would change is I became curious about what is weighing me as opposed to enduring it like I have so many times in the past?
And instead of asking "what do I need to let go of", ask "what is waiting for me on the other side, what belongs to me and is on its way to me?" The energy of the latter is much different than the former. It opens up the channel toward the emergent You instead of focusing on the old You. What wants to be known again, by you, but through a new lens?
Remember T.S. Eliot's quote: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
You were born to experience and thrive through these unique times. See what happens if you open your awareness with curiosity and lean into the discomfort. You might surprise yourself with new ways of seeing things. Freedom is awaiting.