That's me, grade 4. If I had waited for other people to tell me what it is I do today, it would never have happened. If I waited for others to support me, to encourage me, to cheerlead me on toward the path I am on today, I would not be doing what I do. I was the one who had to believe in the tiny yet mighty impulse in my body. I had to listen to what my soul was telling me, deep down in my cells. I had to remember who that little girl was when spirit moved through her interrupted, before the world told her who she should, shouldn’t, could, couldn’t be. I had to dig my way through layers of doubt, fear, and shame about what I knew to be true, until I began to hear her a little louder. Then, I listened to her, patiently, like a mother would, often confused as I didn’t remember her language. No one else could truly understand why she felt the way she felt and why she wanted to do the things she did, I had to learn how to advocate for her, with my voice and my choices, my words and my decisions that often appeared strange and illogical to others. Still, I stayed with her, gaining her trust, keeping her safe from the outside influences from which she had had to shy away to not disappear. Little by little, I began to understand her language and I heard, loud and clear, everything she said. Today I BELIEVE EVERYTHING SHE SAYS. I am her greatest ally, her protector, her advocate, her voice. And it’s just the beginning 😉💥✨
Don’t EVER GIVE UP based on anyone’s opinion. And don’t ever give up based on doubt, shame, or fear. Don’t believe those people and those thoughts. They are not true. YOU, deep inside, are TRUE