To my empaths and highly sensitive beauties ❤ ️...
It’s important to remember that not everyone may understand or respect your need for boundaries. Some individuals may exhibit what can be described as predatory behaviours, which often reflect a desire for control rather than mutual respect and empowerment.
This “predator energy” can be associated with individuals who display traits associated with personality disorders, such as antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders. While it's not appropriate to diagnose someone without professional training, being aware of these traits—which are thought to be present in around 9.1% of the population—can be beneficial for your mental health and safety.
In her book, Women Who Run With The Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés discusses how individuals exhibiting predator energy may use others to alleviate deep feelings of loneliness.
While these individuals deserve empathy, your prima...
This is an energy healing visualization taking you into each chakra and each element. I invite you to see for yourself how your body communicates energy and information with you. Take your time with this meditation and do it often. It is incredibly revealing.
Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Slow your breathing down and deepen your breathing. With each exhalation, feel your body softening, relaxing, melting. When you breathe deeply like this, you engage your parasympathetic system, and you let your body know that it is safe, that something new can happen.
As you continue to breathe deeply like this, I invite you to bring your attention all the way down to the base of your spine. Take your time. Follow your focus, your awareness down through your body all the way down to the base of your spine. When you are there, take a deep breath into the base of your spine, allowing your body to soften even more n...
This month, I was invited to be a guest on the podcast SecondWind with Joyce Buford.
The title of the episode is Why Highly Sensitive People are Prone to Experiencing Burnout.
In our conversation, Joyce asked me how I was using the word “burnout” in the title of my new book, “The Burnout Antidote: A Spiritual Guide to Empowerment for Empaths, Over-givers, and Highly Sensitive People.”
I told Joyce that I see burnout as a crisis in meaning. What I’ve noticed in the past 10-15 years is this: even if you’ve found your path and purpose and it brings you a lot of joy, you can still burn out.Â
In the podcast episode, I talk about my own burnout journey, coming to understand how something that was aligned with my passion and purpose—one-on-one coaching, in particular—was causing my burnout.Â
Highlights of our 35-minute conversation include:Â
You can listen to the podcast episo...