The Teacher Within

leadership self reliance Feb 04, 2020
The Teacher Within. October 2016, Requeredonde, France.
It’s the middle of the night, an anxious feeling wakes me up. I am not happy to be here. Some of the people who live here have this strange look in their eyes, the “I drank the Kool-Aid” look, like they are not fully in charge of their own lives. I have a weird feeling about this place and don’t feel safe.
There is a commotion outside. I peak out the window looking over the balcony, and I see a man running shirtless on the snowy lawn, swerving around statues of deities and saints, screaming at the top of his lungs: "You guys don’t know what they did to us, what they do here. If only you knew."
Shivers run down my spine as I imagine why this man is so distressed. I panic. Where the heck am I and how did I end up here?
I’m upset. I feel shaky, ungrounded, and I can’t calm myself down. No amount of deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can keep me from spiralling downward into this emot...
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When Siddhartha Came Back

boundaries leadership Oct 18, 2019

You were not put on this earth to give more than you have. You are not here to be the energy source for a narcissist, a manipulator, a predator, or anyone who is not willing to take responsibility for their own life.

As an embodied leader, your healing gifts are meant for those who are willing to be open and curious, people who are ready to take responsibility for their healing and their growth. It's not your job to convince, nor to take responsibility for others' wellbeing.

There is a miss-conception in spiritual circles that extending loving-kindness means to give all we have, to care for everyone or anyone who comes our way. And to stay in life-sucking and depleting (sometimes abusing) situations. We envision Jesus holding everyone in his loving heart no matter what, but what we forget is that in order to do that, he went into the desert and did the inner work and recognized the preciousness of his own being as god. Giving without boundaries neglects the god within, which is our e...

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Stepping Into The Leader You Were Born To Be

On the path, there comes a time when you can no longer keep for yourself the knowledge you have acquired along the way and the gifts you were born with. Your healing journey has freed you from the weight of insecurity and doubt, and you sense a deep desire to connect with others and share your own unique medicine with the world. You are an artist in the medium of life, a leader, and you want to inspire, teach, entertain, coach, guide others.

Arriving here is such an accomplishment. We know the bravery it takes to choose the awakened path, to face adversity differently than it was modelled to us, to go against how things should be done, to create from the unknown, to commit to it, and to stay loyal to our light, no matter what. We know the immense freedom and joy we find within, the reward for our patience and our trust.

To arrive at this place is also the beginning of a whole new chapter, a whole new way of being in the world. When we choose to step out publicly with what we know, wi...

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