This conversation is sacred and reminds us of the expanded awareness we desire to hold for our own evolution and for our children's unfolding, a context that is free, creative, and honors of the life-force that propels each of us. As we go through this great pause, this unique time in history, I have been discovering new and wider spaces for me to parent and for us to be as a family that feels more real, more authentic, and more life-giving. I dream of a reconstructed world that doesn't go back to normal but instead honors LIFE as the ground and the roots for everything we do, say, and build going forward. In this podcast episode, I am in sacred conversation with Naomi Irons-Hill who is a dear friend and a colleague, as well as a sister from the stars with whom I adore exploring the edges of life. I would love to know what emerges for you as you listen to this conversation. There is so much for us to delight in when it comes to the creative impulse that animates our kids and our commun...
We are human “beings,” but many of us rarely get to “be” in the run of a day. Simply being and feeling what is present in the moment is one of the greatest things we can do to find a sense of peace and joy and to be the best parent we can be. Just because we are raising children doesn't mean that we can’t also be on our personal growth path. Personally, my spiritual journey and self-work accelerated when I became a mother. I eventually realized that my children are my greatest teachers.
Our children are our mirrors: clear reflections of their external world, uncompromisingly in their “being-ness” because social conditioning has not altered their connection to source. They show us who we are whether we like it or not. They amplify the parts we know, the parts we don't, the parts we love, and the parts we don’t.
How we react is the key.
I’ll always remember looking into the eyes of my newborn and seeing a love I had never seen before. It was pure, boundless, and without reservation....