New Year’s resolutions are typically goals that we set for the coming year and results we plan to achieve.
For example: “This year I will exercise, meditate, or somehow succeed more… and I will stress, drink, and overeat less.”
Optimistic and caught up in the spirit, "New Year’s Eve You" makes promises on behalf of "Future You," and "Future You" never has a chance, because goals set in the future often stay in the future, and we find ourselves making the same resolutions the following year.
There is only ever right now.
That's why deciding what you will be in the future is never as powerful as making changes in the present moment.
Start thinking about how you want to live your “nows.” The best way to make your intentions a reality is to re-conceptualize resolutions as daily, even hourly, commitments—more like “New Now’s Resolutions.”
Kickstart your New Year's resolution for personal growth and transformation by securing one of the few remaining...
Stop. Right here. Right now.
Take a deep breath in through your nose, and let it out your mouth.
Continue. For a moment.
Stop going so fast. Just stop.
Right here. Right now.
Your heart knows. You are here.
Remember who you are. In your heart.
Stop. Pause. Breathe.
Come home. Be in you.
You are here. Now. How beautiful you are.
You are here in your heart.
Feel. This moment. Your being. You.
You. Are. Here. Now. Breathe.
And remember.
This. Now. Is more important than anything you were doing.
Come back now. Be home.
In the centre of your chest.
Everything is there. Nothing is missing.
Breathe. Be here.
Your heart.
And if you want to relax even deeper, try this 20-minute Guided Meditation to Relax Into Greatness.Â