5 Powerful Questions for Finding Balance in Uncertain Times

#burnout #selfcare Mar 23, 2023

This blog post was first published on Mar 14, 2020. 

Are you looking for ways to maintain emotional and spiritual stability amidst the overwhelming anxiety surrounding you?

It's not easy, but maintaining inner balance is what counts most right now.

The Importance of Choosing Your Path in the Present Moment

All the emotional healing and spiritual work you've done in the past has led you to this moment, where you can decide which path to follow. This choice is an ongoing one, made moment by moment. Will you choose to stay within yourself, dealing with the whirlwind of emotions, or will you let yourself be swept away by the collective anxiety, distancing yourself from your inner wisdom and security?

These uncertain times call for a focus on the present moment more than ever because here and now is where you'll find stability.

Five Questions to Help You Connect With the Present Moment

Here are five questions to help you assess your energy, gain clarity about the present moment, and ...

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Sensitivity Is A Superpower—Reclaim Yours

We were born very sensitive—At first, we didn't worry about the pain such openness would create. 

That is why being in the presence of a small child feels incredible. They don't hold back from showing their true sensitive self.

In that way, children are powerful. 

They can shift the energy in a room in a moment, simply with their presence. 

For adults with unexamined wounds, children are an easy prey. 

First, the adult feels uncomfortable in the presence of so much love and light that they shut down even more. The child feels the separation and the distance. There is no more connection and connection is love. 

The child experiences this as a disruption of emotional safety. 

Then, in order to feel better or regain power, the adult will say or do something to hurt the child, often under the pretense of safety or discipline, e.g. "It's not how we behave.”

Eventually, the child develops a protection mechanism in order to mitigate the pain of the emotional betrayal. That protection ...

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Self-Love As An Antidote To Burnout

Self love can be elusive. We all agree that loving all of ourselves (not in an ego way but in a deep soul way) is the path to a good life, but you might not be sure how to do go about it. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one. You will be with you longer than anyone else on the planet so you better make it the best relationship you have. Begin by talking to yourself out loud with kindness and compassion. Consider this simple exercise. When things feel great and you have a moment of joy or contentment, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself “You and I did this. We are a team and we created this happiness. Well done beautiful. I love you more than anything. ” It might feel weird at first but if you keep doing it many times a day for a few days, you will start to feel different and you will begin to understand what love that comes from within feels like. And the universe will send you more experiences of self-reliance and self-autonomy when it comes t...
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