Hello, beautiful souls! In 2019, I had the honour of interviewing the incredibly inspiring and talented Elizabeth Gilbert on the Embodied podcast. Elizabeth, the author of "Eat, Pray, Love" and "Big Magic," shared her insights on creativity, spirituality, and the process of self-discovery.
I wanted to reshare the podcast conversation with you, and I encourage you to listen to the full episode for even more wisdom and inspiration.
Highlights from my conversation with Elizabeth include:
Listen to our 45-minute conversation wherever you get your podcasts or visit the podcast episode page: A Conversation with Elizabeth Gilbert.Â
This episode was supported by: Golden Realty Group (www.soldongold.ca) One UP Fitness (www.oneupfitness.ca) Soul Tribe Live (www.soultribe.live) Special thanks to Glass...
In the creative cycle, the Inner Winter is the initiation and incubation phase. It is the time to retreat, tune in, and allow yourself to receive the inspiration without taking action—yet.
Giving ourselves space and silence to allow this process to happen enables us to receive the inspiration for the next phase and incubate it in our being so that, much like a baby, it can build in energy before we birth it into the world.
As a creative, I’m aware that there is a time when I should hold the seeds of a new idea or creation close to my heart and nurture them carefully, keeping them safe from the hard frost of other people’s opinions and criticism.
The energy of the Inner Winter is not linear or logical. When we are in this inner season, we may find ourselves moving in spirals, circling around something, and returning to the same spot repeatedly as we do when we walk a labyrinth.
For this reason, it’s important to allow yourself to be fully in the mystery of this phase. To accept that...
Just like a melody in the heart is not real until it is sung or played, a fire-stir in our belly is an abstraction until words are expressed and we are heard and witnessed ✨
Sound creates reality. So when you are vulnerable and permit yourself to speak the fire that lives in your belly, you give birth to your soul, you make the un-manifest manifest. You are more brilliant than the sun. You are the creator. You make tangible the abstract, the latent you that lives within the universe that you are.
That is an incredible power you hold with your voice. You are the sun animating life. Have you stopped to contemplate what you give life to? Vulnerability, openness, excitement, confusion, love, courage, emotional intimacy, laughter combined with healthy boundaries, safety and discernment, free us, heal us, make our dreams and visions real, when we expressed them. That is the power of our voice.
Your fire-sound also lands differently in the ear of the witness. The animating quality of you
...On the path, there comes a time when you can no longer keep for yourself the knowledge you have acquired along the way and the gifts you were born with. Your healing journey has freed you from the weight of insecurity and doubt, and you sense a deep desire to connect with others and share your own unique medicine with the world. You are an artist in the medium of life, a leader, and you want to inspire, teach, entertain, coach, guide others.
Arriving here is such an accomplishment. We know the bravery it takes to choose the awakened path, to face adversity differently than it was modelled to us, to go against how things should be done, to create from the unknown, to commit to it, and to stay loyal to our light, no matter what. We know the immense freedom and joy we find within, the reward for our patience and our trust.
To arrive at this place is also the beginning of a whole new chapter, a whole new way of being in the world. When we choose to step out publicly with what we know, wi...
I am often asked this question: When I try to meditate, I fall asleep. What does it mean? The deep and enlightened answer to that question is: it means you are tired ; )
It’s the same thing when you finally make space for your creative work. You carve out a couple of hours or a few days out of your routine for it, and you get sick or you are too tired to focus or tap into your creativity. It means your body needs rest, attention, and support.
We are so conditioned to be busy, to fill up our days with tasks that often the first time we have a chance to stop and realize how tired we really are is when we hit the pillow at night. Chances are we weren’t very creative that day because soul-fuelled creativity requires us to be present to our being, to pause long enough to hear or feel the communication from our soul.
When I left my teaching job at the university for focusing on my passion full-time and become self-employed, I found it very challenging to go from “reacting” to “creating”. ...
🌺 Destiny or Free will?
We come to earth to reach and manifest our highest potential. Along the way, we find the tools, the gifts, the circumstances, and the people we need to accomplish this.
🌺 But is it mostly destined or do we have free will? Is it all already written, set in stone, or do I get a say in the matter? Are there really ancient Akashic records, palm leaves in a cave somewhere in India where my past, present, and future is written out, and all I have to do is watch my life unfold? Or are we master “manifestors,” great creators with the power to write our own story? Or is it a little bit of both?
When I was a small child, I don’t remember having to consciously do anything to live the life I was meant to live. Meaningful events and inspiration would appear as out of nowhere and I’d confidently take a step toward my joy. Awe seemed to be guiding me, propelling me from one moment to the other, transporting me to explore my innate curiosity. I trusted people and situations,...