Awakening Uli: Journey into Ancient Lemurian Wisdom

Anne Bérubé - Awakening Uli

Video: Anne Bérubé on using the divine mother energy, Uli, to heal her relationship with her biological mother by understanding and embracing unconditional love.

When I first connected with her energy, it was through my teacher, Laura Kealoha Yardley, on Kauai, and after a couple days of this intensive training with her, it became very clear that I needed some help with my relationship with my own mother, my earthly mother, my biological mother. And Laura suggested that we bring in the energy of Uli. And the way that she presented it is that we all share this divine mother, we all share this primary, primordial mother essence within us and that energy is a representation and a manifestation of Divine Love, of unconditional love, of love with no opposites. And it manifests as an experience of unconditional love inside the body, and the heart, in the human being. And so connecting with that energy allows the healing around the relationsh...

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Merging Back with Her: Deep Feeling, Spiritual Mastery, and Trust

Anne Berube
Merging Back with Her: Deep Feeling, Spiritual Mastery, and Trust

An audio version of this blog post is available. Navigate to the audio player above and select the play button to hear this blog post narrated by Anne Bérubé.

A trait spiritual masters share is their ability to feel emotions deeply. They know that their body is a highly sensitive instrument that permits them to know truths through feeling all of life, moment to moment.

They no longer need to actively establish defensive barriers; these arise naturally from the deep-seated knowledge within them. They no longer perceive threats they need to defend against. All of life is safe when you trust your instrument to lead the way.

The unseen impact of trauma: interrupted feeling and self fragmentation

Fully feeling the depth of each moment without barriers is a gift we all possess.

This capacity changes as we grow to adapt to our environment.

When trauma happens, a part of us shuts down and our subconscious mind doesn't allow us to feel certain aspects of an experience.

The ability to ful...

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On Trust: A Personal and Spiritual Journey

Anne Berube
On Trust: A Personal and Spiritual Journey

An audio version of this blog post is available. Navigate to the audio player above and select the play button to hear this blog post narrated by Anne Bérubé. 

The importance of trust in transformation

I've been thinking a lot about trust lately and how it is such an essential element for any true transformation.

For many of us, trust is fragile, so when we are asked to trust ourselves, our body, that life has our back, or in the process of surrendering, it feels like putting our life into something or someone else's hands and it feels impossible. Yet, we need it to move forward, to allow newness to come into our life, and it is a required ingredient to experience authentic fulfillment.

Trust allows us to be vulnerable while feeling connected and safe. It will enable us to go to new places and explore new territories without worrying that we will be interrupted, arrested, or punished for having put our walls down.

The absence of trust shuts down curiosity and doesn't allow for adv...

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Grounding Earth Mother Guided Meditation

Safety is one of the most important values I hold in the work I do with others. Without safety, nothing can truly change or transform. When we don’t feel safe, physically and/or emotionally, in our environment or in our body, we can’t go very far in our healing, we can't easily contemplate love for ourselves, let alone the realization of our soul.
Someone once asked Deepak if it would be good to go teach meditation to children and adults in underdeveloped or war-torn countries, and he said no. What they need first is food, shelter, and a sense that the ground is not going to shift under them at any moment. Before they can consider higher needs like self-esteem, inner peace, or spiritual contemplation, they need their primary needs met.
How does this hierarchy of needs apply to us here in the west where many of us are privileged, with most of our basic needs taken care of?
Even though most of us have shelter and food, I am sure you have noticed that when you worry about
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