Comfort in Chaos

We often find comfort in conflict. Intensity and contrast are all around us, all the time, especially with everything happening around the world. For many of us, conflict has become our default setting. And when it goes on too long, we feel more comfortable in the chaos of an argument or a dramatic piece of news than in stillness.

Pushing limits until they break

Often we pride ourselves on how much we can handle. Our backs are strong, people can lean on us. The more problems to solve and the more crises to manage, the better. We take it on not necessarily because we want to, but mostly out of habit and because we can. We hold on to the limited belief of: “I should because I can.” And when chaos outside settles, we realize we have forgotten how to thrive without it. Our subconscious seeks the familiarity of chaos.

I know this about me. I can push my limits quite far until I can't anymore. I can ignore my desire for stillness and creative expression for a long while, distracted by fir...

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Unleash Your Sacred Fire

Expressing and actualizing the light of our soul is life-giving. It awakens us, enlivens us, inspires our body and our mind, even when this fire comes up as anger, sadness, or hurt. Interfering with this light as it wants to move through our body, is life-interrupting, it stops creativity and strengthens shame and fear, and it isolates us. My adult brain understands this. But my body tells a different story. Every time I try to go beyond the walls of protection I have built inside, no matter how much I know what I want and who I am, my body holds me back, sounding the alarm: this is not safe?

As very young children, our light moved through our bodies uninterrupted. We existed as one reality, with a beautiful coherence between our soul, our feelings, our thoughts, our words and our actions. One us. We had a reverence for this life-force as it guided us creatively through each moment, we were whole. As we grew up, it became more important to manage our light and control how it came out ...

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