Happy June beautiful souls!
Learning how to ask for what you need is a powerful agent of transformation. When you speak up for what you need, you begin to attract what is necessary for your needs to be met—and your life changes.
Voicing on the outside what is true inside creates your reality, your words make things so. So, if you have been trying to do all this spiritual and emotional work on your own and you have not asked for help, this is when I tell you that you can only go so far alone : )
You can get insights on your own, reading books and taking courses but without a witness in the flesh combined with your voice asking out loud for support, you are only doing the preliminary work of transformation. Things really change when you speak up and give your heart's needs a voice.
But often, we don't even know what we need. Especially if it's been a long time since we’ve listened and connected to that part of ourselves. It can be difficult to access your desires if you have been ign...