Embracing Your Inner Light: Navigating Destiny and Purpose

Introduction to our inner light

At the moment of our soul's incarnation, when the unique light that defines us settles into a human cell at conception, the seeds of our destiny are embedded within this light. We enter this world as a spark of light, and this luminosity remains our core essence throughout our lives. By understanding the qualities of our inner light, we can uncover the seeds of our destiny that we carry within us.

The dynamic nature of our light

One fundamental quality of our light is its dynamic nature; it is never stagnant. It seeks movement in all directions: downward and inward, upward and outward, through every part of our being, and forward into the future. This movement allows the light to expand within our bodies and the space around us, driving us towards our purpose and destiny.

The concept of destiny

Destiny, in essence, is the force of our purpose—it's the intelligent thread that weaves through our lives, guiding us always. We can sense this guiding...

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Journeying into the Depths of Lemurian Huna


Video: Anne Bérubé on the role of healing symbols in Huna philosophy.

And so in the Huna tradition, there's a series of healing and manifesting symbols that people use to either heal themselves, heal someone else, or manifest a desired outcome. And so the way that Laura taught the symbols to me was very different than maybe other teachers in Hawaii. Instead of just giving me the symbol, she would actually wait for the symbol to reveal itself to me in time. So one night, after spending a couple of days with her, I had a dream of the Waha-Hamama symbol, it was in her awareness, she wanted to share it with me, but she wanted to wait until the symbol would reveal itself to me, I had a dream about it. And the next morning, I didn't know it was a symbol. And we were painting, that was one of the ways that she shared with me through art. And I started to paint the symbol. And that's when she knew I was ready to consciously receive this symbol. So what...

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Merging Back with Her: Deep Feeling, Spiritual Mastery, and Trust

Anne Berube
Merging Back with Her: Deep Feeling, Spiritual Mastery, and Trust

An audio version of this blog post is available. Navigate to the audio player above and select the play button to hear this blog post narrated by Anne Bérubé.

A trait spiritual masters share is their ability to feel emotions deeply. They know that their body is a highly sensitive instrument that permits them to know truths through feeling all of life, moment to moment.

They no longer need to actively establish defensive barriers; these arise naturally from the deep-seated knowledge within them. They no longer perceive threats they need to defend against. All of life is safe when you trust your instrument to lead the way.

The unseen impact of trauma: interrupted feeling and self fragmentation

Fully feeling the depth of each moment without barriers is a gift we all possess.

This capacity changes as we grow to adapt to our environment.

When trauma happens, a part of us shuts down and our subconscious mind doesn't allow us to feel certain aspects of an experience.


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On Trust: A Personal and Spiritual Journey

Anne Berube
On Trust: A Personal and Spiritual Journey

An audio version of this blog post is available. Navigate to the audio player above and select the play button to hear this blog post narrated by Anne Bérubé. 

The importance of trust in transformation

I've been thinking a lot about trust lately and how it is such an essential element for any true transformation.

For many of us, trust is fragile, so when we are asked to trust ourselves, our body, that life has our back, or in the process of surrendering, it feels like putting our life into something or someone else's hands and it feels impossible. Yet, we need it to move forward, to allow newness to come into our life, and it is a required ingredient to experience authentic fulfillment.

Trust allows us to be vulnerable while feeling connected and safe. It will enable us to go to new places and explore new territories without worrying that we will be interrupted, arrested, or punished for having put our walls down.

The absence of trust shuts down...

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Self-Love As An Antidote To Burnout

Self love can be elusive. We all agree that loving all of ourselves (not in an ego way but in a deep soul way) is the path to a good life, but you might not be sure how to do go about it. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one. You will be with you longer than anyone else on the planet so you better make it the best relationship you have. Begin by talking to yourself out loud with kindness and compassion. Consider this simple exercise. When things feel great and you have a moment of joy or contentment, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself “You and I did this. We are a team and we created this happiness. Well done beautiful. I love you more than anything. ” It might feel weird at first but if you keep doing it many times a day for a few days, you will start to feel different and you will begin to understand what love that comes from within feels like. And the universe will send you more experiences of self-reliance and self-autonomy...
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Ask for you need

Happy June beautiful souls!
Learning how to ask for what you need is a powerful agent of transformation. When you speak up for what you need, you begin to attract what is necessary for your needs to be met—and your life changes.
Voicing on the outside what is true inside creates your reality, your words make things so. So, if you have been trying to do all this spiritual and emotional work on your own and you have not asked for help, this is when I tell you that you can only go so far alone : )
You can get insights on your own, reading books and taking courses but without a witness in the flesh combined with your voice asking out loud for support, you are only doing the preliminary work of transformation. Things really change when you speak up and give your heart's needs a voice.
But often, we don't even know what we need. Especially if it's been a long time since we’ve listened and connected to that part of ourselves. It can be difficult to access your desires if you...
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Shame is Layered and Sneaky

When we do the healing work, it is not easy to face the wound of our inner child, because shame is layered and sneaky. It is one of the more difficult emotions to work with. Other emotions are more straightforward. Sadness is sadness, you can identify it more easily. You have been sad before and have seen other people express their sadness. Same with anger. Although you might have judgments about feeling it, you recognize it as is anger, and most of the time, you know what to do to release it. Shame hides and covers up other emotions. When the original wound, for example, sadness or anger, is ignored and isn’t witnessed or validated by another loving person, or worst, if it was made fun of, ridiculed, or used for another person’s benefits, we learn that what we feel is not acceptable. We understand that being sensitive is not useful to survive, and it can actually be emotionally unsafe to be so.
Belonging, love, and safety are essential to the growth of a child....
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