Take 15 minutes and join me in this guided meditation, where we connect with different versions of ourselves at various stages of life. This practice encourages self-compassion and kindness as we gently explore our inner world.
I’ve always found that when we take the time to listen to the younger parts of ourselves, we discover profound wisdom and healing. In this session, we’ll meet our 15-year-old, 9-year-old, and 3-year-old selves, and with love, we’ll embrace their stories and experiences. We'll also connect to our core essence—the true self that existed before we arrived in this world.
Allow yourself to feel deeply, to trust the process, and to honour what comes up. The light and love that flow through this meditation will remind you that you are supported, understood, and held in the highest regard by the universe.
Take your time, and when you’re ready, come back and reflect on any insights or revelations that emerge. I can’t wait for you to experience this journey with me.
This ten-minute guided meditation invites participants to focus on their breath and heart to connect with their innermost selves.Â
Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Make your breath deeper and more expanded. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. As you breathe deeply like this, just let your body know that for the next 10 minutes, there's nothing for you to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be worried about or concerned about but just letting yourself be guided.
As you go deeper into yourself see if you can reach for your in-breath deep inside your belly, so your belly is soft, like a Buddha belly, just hanging, and allowing the belly to expand, and the ribcage, and shoulder blades go back. And then when you breathe out and invite your jaw to drop, constricting the throat a little bit, softening your lips, your teeth, your gums, your jaw, the back of your neck, front of your throat with every exhalation, that's it.
Constricting the throat a litt...
Take 15 minutes and explore this guided audio meditation, “Calling on Our Allies,” which encourages you to connect with the love and support of those around you.Â
I love this meditation! I did it for the first time with my Embodied Leadership group in March 2020. The timing was perfect, although we didn't consciously know it. We were about to enter into a global crisis and a period of change like no other we have experienced. Being able to connect, communicate, and receive wisdom and guidance from our inner selves and the wisdom of the universe helped us step into this new chapter of our lives with support and love from sources that understand us at a deep level. I hope you enjoy this meeting of light beings!
When you ask, assistance is given to every single one of your requests. The universe always responds, but it does so according to your soul's intentions and the highest and best good of all, not necessarily as you would want or expect.
Take twelve minutes and explore this guided audio meditation; a journey that encourages you to imagine encountering a version of your future self, ten years from now.
Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Slow your breath down and expand your breath. Breathe deeply, allowing every part of your body to relax, to surrender with each exhalation, allowing your jaw to drop, and every part of your throat chakra to soften, to relax.
At your next deep breath, imagine that the core of your being, from the base of your spine all the way to the top of your head, opens up like a hollow cylinder. And this beautiful white light that comes from the top of your head from the universe pours down and fills your entire core and comes out at your root chakra. You can feel the movement of this light going down your body.
And imagine that, in a counter-movement, this beautiful light also comes back up from the earth, moves up th...
In the creative cycle, the Inner Winter is the initiation and incubation phase. It is the time to retreat, tune in, and allow yourself to receive the inspiration without taking action—yet.
Giving ourselves space and silence to allow this process to happen enables us to receive the inspiration for the next phase and incubate it in our being so that, much like a baby, it can build in energy before we birth it into the world.
As a creative, I’m aware that there is a time when I should hold the seeds of a new idea or creation close to my heart and nurture them carefully, keeping them safe from the hard frost of other people’s opinions and criticism.
The energy of the Inner Winter is not linear or logical. When we are in this inner season, we may find ourselves moving in spirals, circling around something, and returning to the same spot repeatedly as we do when we walk a labyrinth.
For this reason, it’s important to allow yourself to be fully in the mystery of this phase. To accept that...
Preparing for the meditation:
In this practice, we will be connecting ideas and thoughts with bodily sensations. I’ll walk you through all of it. Follow along and do what works for you.
What I would love for you to do is to sit with your feet on the floor. So, if you can have your feet on the ground, that will help with the intention of this meditation, which is to really connect with the earth.Â
For this meditation, we're going to breathe in through the nose, and we're going to breathe out through the nose, which we normally don't do. But this is the intention is to increase the energy and to build this sense of inner world. When we breathe out through the mouth, the intention is to let go and surrender it all and allow liberation. But when we breathe out through the nose, we're saying, we're going to build here, so it's different.
I'm going to guide you, we're going to do each of the chakras, but we're going to talk about a quality in the chakras—there's one specific quality I want us to connect with.Â
I'm go...
Our chakra energy system can be separated into three parts.Â
The first four chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart) represent the past and hold the memory of past experiences, from childhood and in utero, and the unprocessed traumas we have gone through even as adults. So in order to heal the past, we must sink into ourselves, make direct contact with our inner landscape, and explore what lives in us at the cellular & energetic levels. The first four chakras, when healthy, allow us to process and transform at a rapid pace. Experiences that relate to our sense of safety, belonging, ability to take action, and sense of identity move through us and resolve without interruption. As the expression of who we are to the world, these four chakras are supposed to change, transform, and expand over and over again. So healing is not a one-time thing. It is an ongoing journey that always brings us more into the integration of who we truly are. One should always start here on their healing...